Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Elimination Diet | DAY 1


I'm on the first day of my elimination diet and even though the food is bland and I feel kind of left out of what everyone else in my house is eating, I'll be alright, I think. It kind of sucks that Easter is on it's way and I will have to use every ounce of willpower to withstand the allure of the Cadbury Eggs, I think I'll manage.  I'm only doing the really restricted diet for three weeks and then I plan on adding one food group every three days so I can carefully monitor the symptoms I'm experiencing.

To give a bit of history about this, I've had gas issues for years, lately my stomach has been on the fritz more often than I'd assume would be normal and--most importantly of all--I've had consistent acne ever since I hit puberty at age 11.

And I'm nearly 24.

I literally haven't had a single day in the past thirteen years where my face has been acne free.

And in the past six or so months, the acne has spread down to my chest and back.... I've seriously had enough.

I stumbled upon a blog post  a few days ago (I don't remember where it was from, otherwise I'd post the link) where the author said she had really bad acne and then she went on the elimination diet and discovered that she had issues with both dairy and gluten, both of which were affecting her acne growth.

A lightbulb came on in my head and I decided to try it out for myself and see if I'd get the same results.

I've tried every topical cream, every home remedy, every trick in the book to get rid of my acne and I'm praying that this elimination diet will be the answer of so many tearful prayers to make my acne go away.


Today is day one and I'm experiencing withdrawal symptoms. I'm lethargic and I have a gnarly headache, but I'm determined to push through. I NEED TO KNOW IF FOOD IS THE CAUSE OF SO MUCH EMBARRASSMENT AND SELF LOATHING. I can definitely handle three weeks of misery to discover the truth.

I'm seriously crossing my fingers that this will yield some results for me.

Love, Mackenzie

Sunday, August 7, 2016

GMM Apocalypse Video

This is my last post on this blog, at least for a while, so I thought a good way to go out would be to share one of my favorite Good Mythical Morning episodes, their apocalypse video.

Love, Mackenzie

Thursday, August 4, 2016


... Our washing machine stopped working last night......... it didn't drain and now we have to open it up and fix the drain. Which means I have to wait to wash any more clothes.


Love, Mackenzie

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


My dishwasher broke just before my boys went to bed so I had to hand wash all of the dishes in my dishwasher. This included; seven big plates, two small plates, thirteen cups, two cutting boards, a dozen kid bowls, my one and only pot, my blender, and my one and only 9x13 pan. That does not include all of my silverware which was dirty too.

For anyone who doesn't know, my worst nightmare is not having a dishwasher. AND IT HAPPENED.

Hopefully we can fix it soon... Otherwise I might go mad...

Love, Mackenzie

Monday, August 1, 2016

Still Sick

Still feeling sick, going to take another day off...

Love, Mackenzie