Monday, April 11, 2016

It Was A Long Night

So we visited family last night and had a great time, and we got home at almost 10 PM (whoops) so the boys were both a little grouchy. Noah gagged while I was holding him but I thought he was just a little car sick so I didn't worry about it, until he threw up four times in a row as soon as my foot hit the hardwood floor inside our house. It was terrible! I got barf all over me, he was screaming, and there was a massive throw up mess that Josh got to clean up while I bathed Noah.

I don't do well with throw up, I'd rather take on ten poopy diapers in a row rather than dealing with puke.

We put the two boys in bed as soon as possible and, not surprisingly, they both were asleep when their heads hit the pillows. Josh had to work on his presentation and I needed to reach my minimum word count for the day so we both jumped on our computers in the room next to the boys bedroom and got to work.

On and off we heard Noah coughing (we assume its just allergies, there are little pieces of cotton floating around all over in our backyard and he doesn't have a runny nose at all, just a cough) and every time, Josh and I were in his bedroom making sure he wasn't vomiting again.

We stayed up until 12:30 because we were so paranoid that he'd puke again, but he didn't, so we were about to go to sleep around 1 AM when we heard him retching. It was too late.

He had vomited all over his bed and new pajamas, so I bathed him again and decided to take him downstairs so Josh could sleep in preparation for work the next day. I turned on Inside Out (Noah's favorite show) and sat him on my lap while I tried to get some shut eye. I hadn't slept for more than ten minutes when he retched again, startling me.

Two seconds later, he barfed up some white foamy stuff, and it wasn't that much, but his shirt was covered, so I just took his shirt off and wiped him down with a baby wipe before trying to doze off again.

He ended up needing my attention until 3 when I couldn't stay awake any longer and he was dozing off, sitting on my lap and leaning on my knees.

The next thing I remember is Josh coming down for work first thing in the morning and him getting Noah a banana.

Noah has a problem with getting sick, but we aren't sure if it was a 24 hour thing, or if it was something he ate yesterday (he had WAY more sugar than normal--We don't eat a lot of candy and sugary things at our house)

Either way, I'm SO over my children being sick and I'm excited for things to warm up so they can stop doing it. I'm praying so hard that the plague will be over with soon so I can get back to our regular routine.

Love, Mackenzie

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