Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Five Stages of Writer Grief

That moment you have when you realize that you need to rewrite the first part of your novel is one of the worst things that can happen when you do writing as a profession or a hobby. Here's the five stages of writer grief.

First; Denial.

Second; Anger.

Third; Bargaining.

Fourth; Depression.

And finally; Acceptance.

This is the second time this type of situation has come crashing down on my head and I honestly just have to duck my head and keep on going with my story (making a note of the change that the beginning needs and praying that it doesn't destroy the rest of the plot in the process) even if it sucks knowing everything you're working so hard for could be worthless. 

Writing is hard, but the worst part of it I've found is the first draft. 
Bring it on, brain. Bring it on. I'll have this first draft done before May's done if it kills me.

Love, Mackenzie

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