Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Already Mourning

I have a problem with killing characters. I'll be the first to admit it. But not when it comes to killing excessively, but I have a mama bear protectiveness over my little darlings, so much so that I have an issue giving my love interests any sort of major flaw.

There is one story in particular I have in my mind that I started this evening and I'm already getting emotional about the protagonist's brother's death. UGH.

I know the impact his brother has on his life and the thought of him having to watch his older brother/best friend/confidante die right in front of his eyes, makes me want to cry. In fact, I can't listen to too sad of music, because all I can see is Lucius' cold dead body and my protagonist weeping over it (for only about a minute before he punches his other brother in the face, but that's a story for another time)

But I have never actually killed off a major character before. I've killed of plenty of minor characters (*cough cough* Lurker massacre in the city of Anthana *cough cough* Bloodbath *cough*) but brutally killing a character that means this much to my protagonist has never happened and I honestly don't know if I'll recover from this one.

And the worst part of it is,
Once Lucius is gone, my protagonist will have no real family left. He's always had a rocky relationship with his two other brothers, to the point of them feeling less like blood relatives, and more like incredibly irritating people he's forced to deal with on occasion.

I oftentimes feel like a cruel person when I write tragedy into my character's story lines, but it's unbelievably satisfying when they get beaten to a pulp (physically, emotionally, mentally or all three) and they keep getting up and doing the best they can.
AAAAH. This hobby will be the death of me.
Okay, that's a bit dramatic.
It'll be the death of my characters. There. That's better.

Thanks for reading!

Love, Mackenzie

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