Monday, March 21, 2016

Things Are Slow

At least in my writing world. I haven't made any progress for days and it's maddening.

Also, yesterday morning, my oldest son developed a rash, which we found out this morning is Hand Foot Mouth, which is caused by one of the enteroviruses. That means we have to make him drink tons of fluids and keep him away from every living soul possible (adults can catch it) for the first week, possibly two. Great.
Especially considering how sick the boys and I have been this winter; it's been two weeks sick, one week well. I'm so done with illnesses in this house!

In addition to both of those, the handle on the dishwasher broke so we need to order another one. Josh figured out how to jimmy it so he can still open it, but that means I can't do dishes until tonight when he gets home.

If things get any worse I think I'll explode...

I hope everyone else's weekend has been going well!
Thanks for reading!

Love, Mackenzie

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