Thursday, March 10, 2016

Writers Block

This Tumblr thread I found on Pinterest describes my writing life currently,

Even though I have 7 different novels in the works right now, I find myself like Spongebob. I've been working hard on the second draft of Savage, which has been renamed All I Wanted for the time being, and I foolishly thought the second draft would be easier. 
I reread draft 1 and I found myself seeing plot hole, after plot hole after plot hole. It felt like I was being stabbed in the chest! I was so proud of the first draft and then the reality came crashing down, and I've felt a lot like this puppy.

So I've been working hard trying to break it down into scenes and putting it into a calendar (the first half of the story takes place over a five week period) and it's been helping some, but, for the most part my brain has not been cooperating as much as I'd hoped. 
Starting yesterday morning, though, I started getting up at 5 AM because my brain works so much better and I think far more clearly when I'm alone in first thing in the morning.

So lets cross our fingers that this new method will work better than staying up into all hours of the night. 

Thanks for reading! 

Love, Mackenzie

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