Sunday, March 6, 2016

Spiritual Thought Sunday

This Sunday hasn't been my favorite. Both boys woke up on the wrong side of the bed and that carried on until we made it to church. We were only able to stay long enough to get a drink from the drinking fountain before Noah had an enormous meltdown. And we went home.

Days like this don't come often, but when they do they're rough. And it doesn't feel good when it happens on a Sunday. About a year ago, we found ourselves having another Sunday like this one, and I felt extremely guilty about missing church. But Josh had a good point.

Our Father in Heaven was once a mortal just like us. I'm confident he had children and a wife and that he dealt with less than cooperative little ones. I think he'll be understanding if we do our best to make it to church and it just doesn't work out every now and then.

What Josh and I usually do on days like these, whether it be because of screaming temper tantrums or if our boys are sick, we have some scripture study and listen to a talk or two, doing our best to spiritually edify ourselves on days where we can't be counted as present in our church meetings.

I hope this will help any of my fellow mama's doing their best to be good followers of the faith. God is good, God loves us and he understands that we're trying.

Love, Mackenzie

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