Monday, February 29, 2016

A New App I Discovered

In case some of you don't know, Josh is a chess addict. He has read three books on it, and he has four more in his Amazon wishlist. He has two apps on his phone and since I wanted to get into chess to be able to hold my own while playing him, he showed me his favorite one.
It's the app, and it has some neat features. You can play anyone from all over the world, review the game, customize the look of the board (Including sound effects) play with friends and computers and much more.
If you like chess and want to hone in your skills, use this app! It's great!
(This post is not a sponsored post, I just like the app)

Thanks for reading!

Love, Mackenzie

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Spiritual Thought

Last year when I was working on my first novel, I discovered a singer that I have fallen in love with! Her name is JJ Heller and she's a Christian artist, and there's a song I felt like sharing, as well as some thoughts.

This song really speaks to me because when I was a teenager, I made a lot of bad decisions that at its worst, made me question everything I believed in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as well as my worth in the eyes of God and Jesus Christ. I remember being at my lowest point, feeling like I couldn't go on any further with life because I'd fallen so far from my faith. The day is still so clear in my mind because of the impact it had on me.

I was all alone in my bedroom and my soul felt dark. I felt so very alone because my actions had pushed the spirit so far away. It felt like my heart was being crushed and I finally realized the choke hold that Satan had on me.

Fearfully, I got down on my knees for the first time in years and said a humble prayer, begging my Father in Heaven to forgive me for what I'd done. I expected to feel rebuked.

And then it happened.

I had never felt the spirit so strongly in that moment, it was like the Holy Ghost was literally giving me a hug. All my fears and inadequacies were forgotten for those few minutes. Tears flowed from my eyes and I knew that God loved me for me. I felt I had the strength to carry on and better myself by coming closer to Him.

From that point on, I made it my biggest goal to find my own faith again, to build up myself up even higher than where I had fallen. That was seven years ago.

Don't get me wrong here; I'm very imperfect still, and I have a lot of work to do, but after repenting of all my transgressions I've made when I was younger, I've never felt more at peace with myself as a person. My love for the gospel of Jesus Christ as well as my faith in God has never been stronger.

I love this song because it reminds me of that day and that God will help us build ourselves up if we only get on our knees and ask.

Don't ever feel like God doesn't love or accept you. It doesn't matter how far you've fallen or how unlovable we think we are. I want to bear my testimony that our Heavenly Father loves each one of us and he want's the very best for us. We just have to humble ourselves to him and do as he asks, no matter how hard. He is always with us, through the good times and bad.

I love the Savior and his sacrifice so I can repent of my sins and come closer to God every day. Thanks for reading.

Love, Mackenzie

Date Night!

Last night we had some of our favorite people over for a super fun date night! It was myself and Josh, my best friend Shallise and her husband Spencer as well as my brother-in-law Austin and one of Shallise's friends Leah. We ate pizza and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, then played Zombicide for a few hours. I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard! It was such a fun time and I hope it happens again sometime soon!

Love, Mackenzie

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Date Night

We're having a date night, so I'll post about it tomorrow!

Love, Mackenzie

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Dear Writing Muse

Dear Writing Muse,

I know you've been cooperating with this new story and all, but could you not keep me up past 1 AM? Maybe you could work for me at a better hour, say, 8? That'd be helpful. Thanks.

Love, Mackenzie

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A New Method

When I write my novels, I'm very much a planner. I gather up TONS of ideas for scenes and I know where to start and (kinda) where to end, I get to know my characters frontside, backside, and upside down, I design the world (When it's fantasy, anyway) and I feel that I'm very prepared.


Much like the guy in this infomercial, I've been struggling with what to write. The ideas are there. My characters are waiting, not always patiently, for me to tell their story, but my fingers won't cooperate. Writers block has hit me full force. I was beginning to feel a lot like this lady:


That's when I decided to find a new method when it comes to my writing process. It's called "Pantsing".
Pantsing is essentially flying by the seat of your pants when you write. You create the teeny tiny characters, enough to get started, and a beginning idea and then you're off and running. No planning. No thinking. Just WRITING.

To test this plan, I've started writing a teen romance novel. And before you roll your eyes, I'm actually very excited for this one! I've written about 1200 words and my pantsing ways haven't been nearly as painful or uncomfortable as I'd imagined.
So I guess time will tell, but I'm hoping to get a better ability to just shut my inner editor off and just get those freaking words on the page. 

Love, Mackenzie

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

My Tooth Was Chipped

...Okay. Not REALLY chipped. But bear with me for a moment.

Last night when I was flossing my teeth before bed, something came out from between my teeth and it was hard and kinda gritty, so I spit it out and looked into the mirror. A piece of my front tooth came out!
When I went to the dentist last June, he told me there was a cavity on my front tooth but not to worry about it, they'd schedule a filling next time. WELL. (......Never going back to you, Mr. Dentist Guy!!!)

So there it was, a gaping hole in my front tooth. I checked my schedule and was relieved to find out that I didn't have anything I needed to do today other than stay at home with the boys.
Lucky for us, our new dentist office was able to squeeze me in at 3 this afternoon to fix it, and he did such a great job, you can't even tell.


Thanks for reading!
Love, Mackenzie

Monday, February 22, 2016

Shingeki no Kyojin Season 1 Part 1

Disclaimer: I do not own any GIFs, graphics, Youtube clips or photos. All credit goes to their creators.

Attack on Titan, AKA Shingeki no Kyojin!
It's one of mine and Josh's favorite anime's, and frankly, one of the best story lines I've seen for a series in a long time.
In fact, we loved it so much that we watched the entire first season (25 thirty minute episodes) on Netflix in the space of four days. AND in Japanese, which we normally don't do. If there's an interesting looking anime without an English dub, we will watch a couple episodes and then wait for the English dub to show up on Netflix.
Nope. We didn't wait. We hardcore Netflix binged.

In short, humanity has retreated behind 50 meter high walls when gigantic titans popped out of nowhere and began eating people.
I was really frustrated a few months ago when I heard some people were annoyed with the characters being too emotional. So, i watched the whole season again to see if I agreed with their perspective. Well, I have to say, I think they're wrong. Here's why.

Our story begins within Wall Maria (pronounced MAH-ree-ah, not MUH-ree-ah) when this guy shows up and kicks a big hole in the wall. Like a jerk.

And this guy, called the Colossal Titan, is HUGE. Like 60 meters tall, huge. Here's a graphic to show my point.

The protagonist, Eren Jaeger, is determined to destroy all titans after he watches while his mom is bit in half by this creeper.

Yep. Super sad. Here's a clip in case you want to watch the sadness.

Moving on, Eren and his two friends, Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert escape with only a fraction of the population from the city. After being dealt rations and feeling useless, Eren finally decides to enlist in the military in hopes of joining the scout regiment to find out the secrets of the titans. Mikasa and Armin follow him and off to training they go.

While in training, you meet a lot of characters that you learn to love quickly. 
P.S. I already know that this advice won't be followed(even by myself), but don't love ANYONE. 
Among these are Sasha Braus, Connie Springer, Jean Kirstein and Marco Bott. There are others, but these are notably my favorites. 

On the top row from left to right:
Mikasa Ackerman, Reiner Braun, Bertholt Hoover, Annie Leonhart, Eren Jaeger, Jean Kierstein,
Marco Bott, Connie Springer, Sasha Braus, Historia Reiss, Ymir, and Armin Arlert

TANGENT TIME: Sasha is AMAZING. Just amazing. The end.

Anyway, training isn't going to well for Eren, who can't seem to balance on his Omni-Directonal Mobility Gear. (AKA ODM gear) This gear is crucial in fighting titans, in that it gives soldiers a way to reach their only weak spot, which is the nape of the neck. And Eren has a lot at stake; if he can't balance on the ODM gear, then he'll be sent to work in the fields and won't be allowed to be a soldier anymore.

Watch this clip. Watch it. Just do it.

Lucky for him, his gear was faulty, so the fact that he balanced when it was broken was AMAZING. (And yes, he's an intense individual, but if you saw your mom get eaten by a smiling monster, I think you'd be a little angry too.)

Anyway, graduation day comes and they're off to the wall for watch duty. And just as Eren is feeling confident in humanity's future, THIS HAPPENS.


And this is where the bloodbath begins.

Mikasa tries to stay back with Eren and he convinces her to join the front lines. He promises not to be killed, and she leaves to fulfill her duty.
Later, Armin is about to be eaten (he's paralyzed in fear from being face to face with a real titan), so Eren races to his aid, only to have his leg bitten off. Yikes.

Armin is about to be swallowed by a titan that looks like Santa Claus, but Eren dives in and throws Armin out. Then, Eren gets eaten, losing his arm. Armin looks on in horror.
Meanwhile, the other soldiers are horrified when the supply building is surrounded by titans.

He wakes up to be surrounded by Connie, Christa, and Ymir. The four of them meet at a rally point and he faces Mikasa about Eren's fate and blames himself. Mikasa makes a speech to the others and she uses up way too much gas with her ODM gear, causing her to fall into an alleyway. This is when we learn why she's so obsessed with Eren's safety.
When she was younger, her parents were killed and she was kidnapped. Her captors were going to sell her into slavery when Eren came to her aid, killing two of the three.
Yup, that's when Josh and I were sure he was psycho. But a brave one.

The third tries to strangle Eren and he tells her to stand up and fight if she wants to survive.
Suddenly, she's faced with a titan, she does her best to fight back and she's saved by another titan when it punches the first one in the face. She watches in amazement, and the first titan is beaten to a pulp.

Armin Arlert
After a brilliantly played out plan designed by Armin that saved the supply building, we discover that Eren wasn't dead at all. He's a TITAN SHIFTER! *dun dun dun*
Once this fact was brought to light, Josh and I stared at each other, mouths dropped open and stared at each other for a good long minute or so.

Here's what Eren looks like in his titan form.

And when Mikasa pulls Eren from his dying titan form, they actually have a tender moment. This is the point where they realize his arm and leg have grown back as well.

The Scout Regiment soldiers are brought in to kill as many titans as possible.

The soldiers who saw Eren being pulled from the titan agree to keep it a secret. But another man, Kitts, saw what was happening and he brought Mikasa, Armin and Eren to a secluded spot which was surrounded by cannons after the two of them defended their friend. Eren tells Kitts that he doesn't remember turning into a titan and he isn't sure how his limbs grew back. But a frightened Kitts commands that all three are shot with cannons. In the heat of the moment, Eren partially changes into a titan to protect his friends.
Kitts is really freaked out now, but Armin tries to reason with him that Eren isn't dangerous to humanity. Kitts demands the cannons are fired when Commander Pixis shows up and puts a stop to it. 
I love this guy. 

Commander Pixis has an idea to use Eren's abilty to plug up the hole made by the Colossal Titan. They go through with the plan and Eren succeeds, and is taken into Military custody.

After the plan is done and all the remaining titans are killed, the soldiers begin piling up bodies of their fallen comrades.
OH, AND Jean finds half of Marco's corpse (AKA his best friends corpse) next to a building and I cried. A LOT.

Finally, you meet the Scout Regiment commander, Erwin Smith, and his subordinate Levi Ackerman (no known relation to Mikasa) when they visit him in prison. After hearing Eren's reasons for wanting the titans dead, Levi decides to have Eren join his regiment, and he makes it clear that he'll kill Eren if he goes rogue.

And that's it for part 1! I know this is a long post, but I LOVE this series so much that I had to share!
Going back to my complaint of some people thinking that the people in this series are too emotional, they're watching families die. Men, women, children. Their comrades die; the people they trained with for years and trust with their lives. THEY'RE WATCHING HUMANITY'S EXTINCTION, FOR HEAVENS SAKE.
I think they have the right to be at least a little emotional, especially considering that most of the main characters are in their older teens. There. Rant done. (For now...)

Thanks for reading! I'll make a Shingeki no Kyojin Season 1 Part 2 post hopefully soon!

Love, Mackenzie

Sunday, February 21, 2016

"What Should I Post About?"

I asked Josh what I should post about today.
He asked, "Is it like a load bearing post, or a post to kill a vampire? OR is it like the stake sort of post?"

The way to a woman's heart is to make her laugh.
I've fallen in love all over again.

I have a post I'm really excited for in the works, I'm so excited to share it! (Which will hopefully be tomorrow!)

Love, Mackenzie

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Five Nights at Freddy's

I wanted to throw out a question. ...Does anyone want to see my reaction to playing FNAF?
If your answer is yes, post a comment either on Facebook or down below!


Friday, February 19, 2016

The Do's and Don'ts of Basic Alchemy

CAUTION: Spoilers ahead!

SO. You want to be an alchemist? Follow these simple steps to become a great one!

First, find yourself a great teacher.
Izumi Curtis from Dublith is a fantastic option, but keep in mind, she doesn't ordinarily take on students, and she is prone to spontaneous bleeding from the mouth.

If you do in fact secure Izumi as your teacher, be prepared to spend a bit of time all alone in a secluded location for the survival portion of your studies. (ahem, the qualifying round)

By the end of your qualifier, you might look something like this:

Once your initial training is over, it'll take a few years to hone in your skills to become a truly proficient alchemist. Study up on your preferred alchemy type, you must know every last bit about the substance you're going to transmute before you'll successfully be able to do it.
Helpful tip: If you're interested in alckahestry, take a trip to Xing. The alchemy masters there are probably your best bet.

After your training is complete, consider joining the military. But before you do, make sure your country's leader isn't a homunculus.

...And check his son too, no matter how cute and innocent he might seem.

So, if you do end up in the military, it'd be best to make friends, especially if they're higher ups or just gigantic.

And it might be a good idea to have a tailor handy; ripping your jacket off is a good way to get your opponents attention and it tells them you're serious about the situation.

Also, if you have an automail limb, keep your engineer close by. You never know when you'll need it repaired. Or if you're near Rush Valley, somebody there is bound to be able to help.

But above all, DO NOT attempt human transmutation.

It'll cost you an arm and a leg... and possibly your entire little brother.
It won't work anyway, so save yourself the trouble of almost bleeding to death after losing two limbs.
Besides, you'd just end up looking like Norman Reedus when he's trying to cry for the camera. Not pretty.

Thanks for reading!

Love, Mackenzie

Thursday, February 18, 2016

I Found A Pin

So, a few months back, I found a pin on Pinterest that I saved to my Blogging board. I didn't look at it thoroughly until last night and I had a good chuckle about it.

It was called. 100+ Irresistible Blogging Headlines That Will Get You More Clicks.

Notice that it has a strong superlative right in the title. Will.

The Miriam-Webster dictionary defines Superlative as of or relating to the form of an adjective or adverb that is used to indicate the greatest degree of a particular quality.

If the pin is being truthful, the titles on that list WILL get me more clicks. So I've decided that my next few posts will contain formulas listed below to get my blog more noticed. Let's call this an experiment. We shall test the validity of this pin's claim.

Here's the link that the pin leads to, since I wasn't the one who created it.

So I clicked the link, and it turns out that there are actually 150 of these titles to inspire many a post. It says 150+. But there are only 150... ugh. 
+ implies that there are at least 151 of these things, not that there are exactly 150. UGH.

Regardless of that, though, I'd imagine that I'll have a lot of fun with these, so stay tuned! 
...I'll be back.

Love, Mackenzie

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

5 Things From My Bucket List

1) Have Super Long Hair
As of now, my hair is almost halfway down my back, but I want it longer! My goal is waist length so I have probably another year before it's done growing. Josh said he wanted to see me with Pocahontas-like hair, so that's been one of my big motivators. I'm not sure the body of her hair is actually attainable by me, but I can do the length!

2) Ride the London Eye
The London Eye, for those of you unfamiliar, is the gigantic Ferris Wheel just off the Thames.

3) Fly First Class
I've always dreamed of this one... *sigh* The comfy seats, plenty of leg room and legendary customer service. Count me in!

4) Try Indoor Skydiving
Because real skydiving is a big fat negative for me.

5) Visit Japan
Yes. This. Will. Happen.

Thanks for reading!
Love, Mackenzie

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

11 Songs I've Been Loving Lately

My favorite Safe and Sound cover, by Landon Austin and Ellie Swisher

All I Want Is Love by A Great Big World

Already Home by A Great Big World

Genesis by Jorma Kaukonen

If You Fall by JJ Heller (the acoustic version is my favorite)

Real Love by Regina Spektor

Be Here Now by Ray LaMontagne

All I Want by Kodaline

Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol (Sleeping At Last Cover)

A Girl, A Boy and A Graveyard by Jeremy Messersmith

And my current obsession is......

Let It Go by James Bay

Thanks for reading!

Love, Mackenzie

Monday, February 15, 2016

Dear Future Me

Dear Future Me,

For starters, today has been a great day. The kids didn't fight too much and Josh came home straight from work because it's Presidents Day, meaning he didn't have his usual Monday evening class at the college, so we had some help getting the littles to bed with few tears.

I felt that today would be a good day for a future pick-me-up because, lets face it, things aren't always going to be butterflies and rainbows.

I want to tell you that you're a great mom. Even on days when your patience is shorter than usual and the kids are driving you crazy, and you just can't seem to get ahead of everything in your path, you're doing fine. I already know what you're thinking.

But what about when I lose my temper? What about when the kids have eaten nothing but cold cereal for every meal and I feel like hiding in the bathroom in hopes that the children will fend for themselves for a little while? What about those days when I wonder if mothering is what I'm meant for?

Yes. You're still a good mom. Your kiddos have a mommy who loves them unconditionally, kisses their owies and hugs them just because. You teach them things and keep them safe. They always have food in their tummies because of your giving hands, and you get so much in return. even if you sometimes feel like you want to strangle them

You love Josh. Even on days that you two don't like each other too much, you still love that bearded guy with all your heart. Even as I'm writing this, my chest fills up with butterflies, just thinking about him. You're a lucky girl to have such a guy and don't take him for granted. Love him with all your heart, even if you two need to keep apart for the evening sometimes.

You don't need to worry so much. I know that your anxiety plagues you constantly, and you feel like the world could come crashing down at any moment, (okay, maybe not the whole world, but if that earthquake hit, the townhouses on the hill above you would most definitely come crashing down, crushing everything you love.) how you constantly feel like your kids are going to be kidnapped every time you leave the house, or how you automatically jump to the conclusion that Josh died in a firey car crash every time he's in a car without you. Calm your worried mind and remind yourself of what's rational. Life's not such a big, scary place.

And when you feel the downpour of anxiety that feels like you'll be smashed under its weight, pray. I promise it helps.

Don't forget the little things. Praying. Reading your scriptures, Doing your very best to keep God's commandments, because in the end, that's what will keep you grounded when chaos is swirling around you.

As for your writing, well. I think we still need a lot of improvement in terms of our process. But I am excited for what Future Mackenzie will do with our talents. And don't stress that you haven't started your career as a professional author. Your time will come.

You're going to hate your post-baby body. The stretch marks and baby hairs that just won't grow are not fun at all. The perpetual pooch doesn't always help our self esteem, but you'll learn to love it. And I'm terribly excited for that day. You're on your way.

Love yourself. Even on days when you make stupid mistakes or say stupid things, keep doing the best you can. In the words of Gordon B. Hinckley, "It will all work out." Tell yourself that often, because I know that you're a perfectionist, and it feels so hard sometimes to let things go away from our carefully laid out plans. But it will all be okay. I promise.

....I think that's it. For now, at least.

Love, Present Me


I found a cool opening line on, on the Adopt an Opening Line thread and I thought it could make a neat short story. This whole project took about three hours from start to finish. Enjoy!


People had forgotten over the years, with all the technology consuming the world and all the neon lights everywhere, that monsters lingered in the dark. It would mean their downfall if the lights went out while they were outside.
There weren't many of us left, only a few colonies scattered across the state. Plants had all but died out. Tree's weren't growing. When you looked outside, it was like a botany graveyard. But the buildings were practically new, outfitted with the best technologies. Average people never put their devices down, so they didn't notice the destruction surrounding them, nor did they seem to hear the screeches outside in the night.
But we did. Myself and my friend Dane were the only two defenders left. He and I were responsible for keeping a strict curfew, which was set strictly at 9 PM, whether the sun had gone completely down or not. We were also responsible with tending the small power plant to make sure the lights stayed lit inside their homes through the night.
We knew the drills, knew the procedures and plans, but we didn’t trust ourselves; not completely anyway. Dane’s uncle was training us before he was caught by the monsters in the night when a bulb burnt out over his head as he patrolled.
That was four months ago. It was September now, and the sun was going down earlier and earlier, putting Dane and I on high alert.
It was 8:45 and we patrolled the streets, making sure there weren’t any stragglers hiding in the alleys or behind buildings. He twirled his baton while we searched.
I peeked behind a trash can. “Nobody there.” I said.
“Good.” He said, putting his stick in his holster. “Now all I think we need to do is check the power plant before heading home.”
We kicked up dust as we walked. His key ring was filled with a key which unlocked every door in town as a safety precaution. The keys clinked against the baton with each step. Dane picked up a small rock and tossed it down the path and I stepped on it as I passed over.
The power plant wasn’t too far from town but not close enough for me to be truly comfortable. Street lamps lined the narrow path to the gates. Lucky for me, though, Dane had a lot of confidence. He’d been helping his uncle out for most of his teenage years so he knew the ropes pretty well.
Dane unlocked the chain link fence and the door swung open, making a clanking sound on the other side.
“Alright, Ward. I want you to take care of the inspection tonight.”
“But,” I said, tripping over my words. “I don’t think I’m ready.”
“Hey, calm down. I trust you, Ward. All you need to do is reach your arm between those boxes and make sure all of the cords are plugged in. There are eight of them.”
I found the outlets he was talking about. My face was smooshed against one of the large power boxes and my fingers were only able to graze the edges of the outlets furthest from the hole. It didn’t help that Dane was a full head taller than me. He definitely had longer arms, too.
“Are they all plugged in?” He asked, picking something out of his teeth.
“Yes.” I said.
“Okay, the only other thing you need to do is make sure all the switches on the panel to your right are in the on position. Here’s the key.” Dane held out the specific one I needed.
I heard a click and I opened the small door. All the switches were up and there was a green light on. Then I locked it and we were on our way.
I shoved my hands into my pockets while he relocked the chain link fence.
“Ward, you need to stop doubting yourself.” Dane said, smiling over at me. “You have good instincts, you just need to listen to them.”
“I just don’t know if I’m really cut out for this job.” I say.
He grabbed my shoulder. “It’ll be alright.” He said, glancing back at the road we had come from. We spotted someone standing there and Dane’s eyes narrowed. “It’s Cox again.”
Not long after we started going back, I realized he was right. Cox stood there, looking around at the scenery.
“It’s 8:58, Cox. Get inside, it’s almost curfew.” I said. Without warning, he punches me right in the jaw.
I taste blood in my teeth and my ears ring loudly.
Dane pushed him back and helped me up from where I fell.
“I’m not going inside!” Cox argued.
“This is the fifth time we’ve caught you outside. Now follow your orders and return to your house!”
“Or what?”
“Or you’ll be arrested.” Dane said.
“By who? You?” Cox laughed. “You’re no better than the dust you stand on! I don’t have to answer to anyone but them.” He took a step toward the dark.
Dane reached over and grabbed Cox by the shirt and threw him to the ground behind us. “Don’t play those games with me!” Dane commanded. “You’re going to get yourself killed!”
“I’ve heard the sounds. It’s like they’re calling me.”
“They aren’t calling you. They want to devour you.”
“No. You’re wrong.” Cox said, his eyes glazing, as though he wasn’t actually looking at Dane.
“Get up.” Dane said flatly.
Cox did as he was told, but his blank, lifeless expression was unchanged.
“I need you to check one more time down this road as well as Briley Road for any stragglers that aren’t indoors, and I’ll take this one to the cell.”
My chest felt as though it tightened.
“Do I have to go alone?”
“I trust you, Ward.” Dane said. “Besides, I’ll only be gone for five minutes. Do you have your flares?”
I nod.
“Then there’s nothing for you to worry about, is there?”
“…Okay.” I agreed.
I watched tentatively while Dane and Cox wandered down the path we had just come from, the one leading to the power box.
Once they were out of view, I did as I was told. I tugged on each door as I passed, and I could hear some sort of electronic device making noise as I went.
I finished making my rounds and I headed back to the narrow path.
There wasn’t a soul on the street, not even Dane.
My heart thudded as I walked slowly down the road.
“Dane?” I yelled, my voice shaking. “Hello?”
No answer.
The tips of my toes stopped just before the dirt path.
I glanced to either side of it, remembering that there was nothing but darkness any direction I looked other than straight ahead.
I swallowed my spit and squeezed my eyes shut. Then, I stepped forward. The only thing that kept me from sprinting down the pathway was the fact that I kept grinding my fingernails into my palms. I hear Dane’s voice in my head.
Don’t run. It only provokes them.
Fear seemed to twist my insides with each unsteady step I took.
Soon, I was back at the power plant. I walked around the perimeter, looking down another narrow road. At the end was the holding cell for members of the community that didn’t want to follow the rules.
And it was dark.
“Dane!” I yell, rushing down the pathway. “Dane!”
I don’t hear a single sound.
I call his name once more.
The light post in front of me suddenly went dark after a small crash. I lean down and pick up a sharp rock which had just tumbled in front of me.
The monsters had finally learned.
My breaths were uneven. I stood sharply, spinning on my heels and walking with as much confidence as I could muster, although even with me trying my hardest, it wasn’t much.
I heard two other bulbs break behind me as I hurried as slowly as I could. I allowed myself to breathe harder once my fingers met the chain link fence. I spun around to face my enemy, even though I knew I’d never actually see it before I was eaten alive.
I snapped my eyes shut when another bulb was broken. I never took a hand off the fence until I had made it back to the first pathway.
That was when I heard the sound of shuffling feet behind me.
I turned slowly, my mouth turning dry, expecting to be the first human to see one come into the light. The only thing I did see, however, was a puff of dust rolling over the path.
Sweat beads on my brow.
And then I hear a rock being thrown at the power box. It makes the whole thing vibrate, and three other stones are thrown before the light on one end of the fence is destroyed.
I hear it climbing the fence, and then I hear an unnerving sound.
Once I realize what it’s doing, I fumble for my flare, which falls to the ground. I fall onto my knees in the dirt. My hands quake uncontrollably and I light my flare, holding it above my head.
I hear a zapping sound and the lights surrounding me go dark.
The only thing keeping me alive is my one little flare, which only has about a three minute lifespan.
I finally throw caution to the wind, running for my life to the street in town.
I hear the guttural growling not even two feet to my right. I can smell its breath; it smells like rotten flesh and rage. It almost feels like I can hear its thoughts.
It wants my blood.
My heart drops as soon as I hear a familiar sound coming from the beast.
It sounded like keys hitting a baton; it was unmistakable.
I finally reached the comfort of the lights in town. I bang on the nearest door, throwing the flare with the waning flame into the dust, begging for someone to open it.
I see a familiar face. It’s Ford, one of my peers. We didn't ever really talk, the only time we seemed to interact was when Dane and I ushered him inside each night, but he wasn't one to make conversation. He has his cell phone out and he steps out of the way. I push past him and slam the door shut. I lock the deadbolt, just as the lights out in the street go dark.
My fear had finally paralyzed me. I couldn’t move a single muscle, even when the lights in the house went out. The glass broke in front of me and Ford.
I wanted to scream, but couldn’t.
I wanted to fight, but couldn’t.
Everyone in town was going to die, and I was powerless.
The last thing I heard was one sentence, in an all too familiar voice.
“I trusted you, Ward.”

Let me know what you thought of this story in the comments below or in the comment section on Facebook. Thanks for reading!

Love, Ivy Rose

Sunday, February 14, 2016


Valentines Day.
A corporate designed holiday to benefit the card making companies and chocolate companies to prevent them from diving into extinction.

Having been graduated for nearly five years now, the few people I've stayed in contact with have made me feel more loved than ever, even if I feel like this Squidward GIF sometimes.

Why do people go out on Valentines Day, anyway? I understand that people want to celebrate the ones they love, but why not wait for a week to avoid the crowds? People know that every restaurant in town will be filled with couples wanting to go on a romantic date, too??
There's my rant for now.

Here goes my actual post for today.

Hearts can be liars.
They tell us to feel too deeply, care too much, especially when the person we want to show our hearts to are completely wrong. They tell us to feel secure with someone who doesn't treat it with respect, and they tell us that humanity is trustworthy and that those around us have our best interest, when in all reality, everyone is out for themselves. Selfless motives don't exist. Even being nice for the sake of being nice gives us a warm fuzzy feeling that makes us feel good.
But then there's the other side of hearts.
The part that allows us to love to the fullest extent. The part that tells us to live compassionately to those who need it, and even to those who don't. The part that tells us not to give up on people and that humanity isn't a lost cause.
The part that tells us that it's okay to be vulnerable with those we trust. The part that keeps us human.
When most people think of a heart or love they think of this shape.


Okay, well not exactly like this, I mean usually its balancing on the pointy end, but you get what I'm saying.

You could only make this shape in the real world by putting two real hearts side by side and sticking them together somehow.
Gross. Sorry. Moving on.
I think this is such a lovely metaphor. To feel love, one must put their heart with another person. And no matter how bad things seem to get, humans amazingly pull together, showing their compassion and caring for one another on a new level.
Love itself is immeasurable. I think there's a reason for this.
Pure and beautiful things deserve to be felt, not defined by mathematics or science. Not saying that either of those are bad per se, but I think that calculating just how much you love someone else kind of takes the magic out of it.

The New Testament alone has 96 mentions of the word Love. Among my favorites are:
Matthew 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Matthew 19:19 .......Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Matthew 22:37 .......Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten So, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Love transcends this life. The God who lives in heaven is a God of love, who loves each of us individually, the kind of Father in Heaven that I'm glad is on my side. And the best part about it is, to feel his love, we simply have to pray. It doesn't matter where.

I am reminded every year that I am not alone, be it in the mortal sense or the spiritual one.

I doubt all of my posts will be this deep. But who knows. It's only day one after all.
Thanks for reading, I'll be back tomorrow.
And no. I will not apologize for my love of GIFs.

Love, Mackenzie

P.S. Just in case someone reading this didn't receive a valentine today, here's one from me.