Friday, February 19, 2016

The Do's and Don'ts of Basic Alchemy

CAUTION: Spoilers ahead!

SO. You want to be an alchemist? Follow these simple steps to become a great one!

First, find yourself a great teacher.
Izumi Curtis from Dublith is a fantastic option, but keep in mind, she doesn't ordinarily take on students, and she is prone to spontaneous bleeding from the mouth.

If you do in fact secure Izumi as your teacher, be prepared to spend a bit of time all alone in a secluded location for the survival portion of your studies. (ahem, the qualifying round)

By the end of your qualifier, you might look something like this:

Once your initial training is over, it'll take a few years to hone in your skills to become a truly proficient alchemist. Study up on your preferred alchemy type, you must know every last bit about the substance you're going to transmute before you'll successfully be able to do it.
Helpful tip: If you're interested in alckahestry, take a trip to Xing. The alchemy masters there are probably your best bet.

After your training is complete, consider joining the military. But before you do, make sure your country's leader isn't a homunculus.

...And check his son too, no matter how cute and innocent he might seem.

So, if you do end up in the military, it'd be best to make friends, especially if they're higher ups or just gigantic.

And it might be a good idea to have a tailor handy; ripping your jacket off is a good way to get your opponents attention and it tells them you're serious about the situation.

Also, if you have an automail limb, keep your engineer close by. You never know when you'll need it repaired. Or if you're near Rush Valley, somebody there is bound to be able to help.

But above all, DO NOT attempt human transmutation.

It'll cost you an arm and a leg... and possibly your entire little brother.
It won't work anyway, so save yourself the trouble of almost bleeding to death after losing two limbs.
Besides, you'd just end up looking like Norman Reedus when he's trying to cry for the camera. Not pretty.

Thanks for reading!

Love, Mackenzie

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