Sunday, February 28, 2016

Spiritual Thought

Last year when I was working on my first novel, I discovered a singer that I have fallen in love with! Her name is JJ Heller and she's a Christian artist, and there's a song I felt like sharing, as well as some thoughts.

This song really speaks to me because when I was a teenager, I made a lot of bad decisions that at its worst, made me question everything I believed in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as well as my worth in the eyes of God and Jesus Christ. I remember being at my lowest point, feeling like I couldn't go on any further with life because I'd fallen so far from my faith. The day is still so clear in my mind because of the impact it had on me.

I was all alone in my bedroom and my soul felt dark. I felt so very alone because my actions had pushed the spirit so far away. It felt like my heart was being crushed and I finally realized the choke hold that Satan had on me.

Fearfully, I got down on my knees for the first time in years and said a humble prayer, begging my Father in Heaven to forgive me for what I'd done. I expected to feel rebuked.

And then it happened.

I had never felt the spirit so strongly in that moment, it was like the Holy Ghost was literally giving me a hug. All my fears and inadequacies were forgotten for those few minutes. Tears flowed from my eyes and I knew that God loved me for me. I felt I had the strength to carry on and better myself by coming closer to Him.

From that point on, I made it my biggest goal to find my own faith again, to build up myself up even higher than where I had fallen. That was seven years ago.

Don't get me wrong here; I'm very imperfect still, and I have a lot of work to do, but after repenting of all my transgressions I've made when I was younger, I've never felt more at peace with myself as a person. My love for the gospel of Jesus Christ as well as my faith in God has never been stronger.

I love this song because it reminds me of that day and that God will help us build ourselves up if we only get on our knees and ask.

Don't ever feel like God doesn't love or accept you. It doesn't matter how far you've fallen or how unlovable we think we are. I want to bear my testimony that our Heavenly Father loves each one of us and he want's the very best for us. We just have to humble ourselves to him and do as he asks, no matter how hard. He is always with us, through the good times and bad.

I love the Savior and his sacrifice so I can repent of my sins and come closer to God every day. Thanks for reading.

Love, Mackenzie

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