Monday, February 15, 2016

Dear Future Me

Dear Future Me,

For starters, today has been a great day. The kids didn't fight too much and Josh came home straight from work because it's Presidents Day, meaning he didn't have his usual Monday evening class at the college, so we had some help getting the littles to bed with few tears.

I felt that today would be a good day for a future pick-me-up because, lets face it, things aren't always going to be butterflies and rainbows.

I want to tell you that you're a great mom. Even on days when your patience is shorter than usual and the kids are driving you crazy, and you just can't seem to get ahead of everything in your path, you're doing fine. I already know what you're thinking.

But what about when I lose my temper? What about when the kids have eaten nothing but cold cereal for every meal and I feel like hiding in the bathroom in hopes that the children will fend for themselves for a little while? What about those days when I wonder if mothering is what I'm meant for?

Yes. You're still a good mom. Your kiddos have a mommy who loves them unconditionally, kisses their owies and hugs them just because. You teach them things and keep them safe. They always have food in their tummies because of your giving hands, and you get so much in return. even if you sometimes feel like you want to strangle them

You love Josh. Even on days that you two don't like each other too much, you still love that bearded guy with all your heart. Even as I'm writing this, my chest fills up with butterflies, just thinking about him. You're a lucky girl to have such a guy and don't take him for granted. Love him with all your heart, even if you two need to keep apart for the evening sometimes.

You don't need to worry so much. I know that your anxiety plagues you constantly, and you feel like the world could come crashing down at any moment, (okay, maybe not the whole world, but if that earthquake hit, the townhouses on the hill above you would most definitely come crashing down, crushing everything you love.) how you constantly feel like your kids are going to be kidnapped every time you leave the house, or how you automatically jump to the conclusion that Josh died in a firey car crash every time he's in a car without you. Calm your worried mind and remind yourself of what's rational. Life's not such a big, scary place.

And when you feel the downpour of anxiety that feels like you'll be smashed under its weight, pray. I promise it helps.

Don't forget the little things. Praying. Reading your scriptures, Doing your very best to keep God's commandments, because in the end, that's what will keep you grounded when chaos is swirling around you.

As for your writing, well. I think we still need a lot of improvement in terms of our process. But I am excited for what Future Mackenzie will do with our talents. And don't stress that you haven't started your career as a professional author. Your time will come.

You're going to hate your post-baby body. The stretch marks and baby hairs that just won't grow are not fun at all. The perpetual pooch doesn't always help our self esteem, but you'll learn to love it. And I'm terribly excited for that day. You're on your way.

Love yourself. Even on days when you make stupid mistakes or say stupid things, keep doing the best you can. In the words of Gordon B. Hinckley, "It will all work out." Tell yourself that often, because I know that you're a perfectionist, and it feels so hard sometimes to let things go away from our carefully laid out plans. But it will all be okay. I promise.

....I think that's it. For now, at least.

Love, Present Me

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