Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A New Method

When I write my novels, I'm very much a planner. I gather up TONS of ideas for scenes and I know where to start and (kinda) where to end, I get to know my characters frontside, backside, and upside down, I design the world (When it's fantasy, anyway) and I feel that I'm very prepared.


Much like the guy in this infomercial, I've been struggling with what to write. The ideas are there. My characters are waiting, not always patiently, for me to tell their story, but my fingers won't cooperate. Writers block has hit me full force. I was beginning to feel a lot like this lady:


That's when I decided to find a new method when it comes to my writing process. It's called "Pantsing".
Pantsing is essentially flying by the seat of your pants when you write. You create the teeny tiny characters, enough to get started, and a beginning idea and then you're off and running. No planning. No thinking. Just WRITING.

To test this plan, I've started writing a teen romance novel. And before you roll your eyes, I'm actually very excited for this one! I've written about 1200 words and my pantsing ways haven't been nearly as painful or uncomfortable as I'd imagined.
So I guess time will tell, but I'm hoping to get a better ability to just shut my inner editor off and just get those freaking words on the page. 

Love, Mackenzie

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