Saturday, July 30, 2016

#1-Patrick at Work

     "Love ya," Caitlyn told him with a kiss to his cheek as she went to the back desk.
     Patrick replied the sentiment and sat behind the front desk and found the keys to open the library doors where three people were already waiting. The sliding doors parted and they all darted inside like flies into a kitchen window. Patrick smiled when he saw a mom and two kids heading for the doors and he went back to his post.
     Patrick pulled out a copy of The Giver from it's place where he left it the evening before and he started reading when a woman, Marci, approached him.
     "My account online said Twilight would be in the 'on hold' section today. Where is it?"
     "Umm I'm not certain, but let me check my computer real quick. . . Could I have your library card, please?"
     The woman rolled her eyes and pulled out her walled, sliding the card across the desk toward him. Patrick picked it up with his fingernails and flipped it over so he could input her member number into the computer. Once he did, he was a fast typist, her account popped up on the screen and she began tapping her fingers on the desk.
     "It says here that you don't have any holds, Ma'am."
     "You're joking, right? 'Ma'am'? I only have, like, five minutes to be in my car to get to work on time, I need to pick it up now."
     "I can have it ready for you by the end of the day or you're welcome to pick up a copy from our young adult section, it's just over there." Patrick said.
     Marci scoffed and ripped her card from his hand, rushing over to the teen section.
     Patrick returned to his book and Marci clouded his thoughts. He'd never really enjoyed being with her as a couple and it was even worse since she knew he was working at the library until he graduated. He was, however, was distracted when Caitlyn walked by his desk on her way to the back room. He knew he'd never get sick of staring at her. She winked at him as she went into the back.
     He wasn't expecting to see who walked through the door next.
     It was the gentleman he'd bumped into earlier that day on his run, only he looked even more pissed off than before. He practically huffed and puffed when he caught a glimpse of Patrick, who felt himself sink into his chair just a little...

More tomorrow...

Love, Mackenzie

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