Thursday, July 7, 2016

My Chipped Tooth -- Well, Sort Of

On July 4th, I was flossing and something hard and white came out of my mouth and landed in the sink. Upon closer  examination, I realized it looked like a piece of tooth! If you remember a few months ago, I chipped my front tooth while flossing.
Anyway, I got an appointment set up for this morning and they check me. I'm sweating some I hate getting dental work done (except for cleanings, those are awesome)
They checked me and they took an x-ray and lo and behold, there wasn't any issues. No cavities, no cracks, no lack of filling. NOTHING.

. . . . . . .

I think my mouth is trying to freak me out.
But there is a plus to all this. I was in and out in ten minutes, and now I'm sitting at the library waiting for it to open and my mom had my kids. This is like a dream.
. . .or maybe even heaven.

Love, Mackenzie

P.S. I do love my children but trying to run basic errands is a challenge so going alone is amazing. But I do love them. ❤

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear your teeth are OK. I also had your problem with errands. Then I got together with some coworkers. Since we work different shifts, we decided to take turns watching the kids on our off days. Even if it is only for a few hours, this system is great for running kid-free errands.
