Friday, July 29, 2016

#1-Patrick's Morning Run

     Patrick leaves his apartment, locking up before he goes. He slips his keys into his pocket and goes downstairs before realizing his left shoelace wasn't tight enough. He sat on the bottom step (he lived on the fourth floor) and tied it tighter.
    Then, he was off into the brisk autumn morning. He had his arms up at a 90 degree angle, the cords on his headphones whacked his chest at each step. He felt the slow burn building in his chest the more his heart raced. Air whipped his cheeks and he traveled the familiar path he'd jogged for the past three years.
     He passed the same female runners on his way that he'd passed before, and even though he checked them out, neither of them were at the top of his list. He turned his thoughts to Caitlyn. The beautiful blonde he'd left at the apartment. Those blue eyes that captivated him since his first day at the Library. The thought made a smile creep onto his face and he kept on going, running faster so he'd be in front of the women.
     Later he runs past an old woman who carries hand weights and wears enormous ankle weights as her fluffy permed hair bounces up and down. He waves and bumps into someone.
It's a middle aged man who he's seen a time or two, but he hadn't known his name.
     "Sorry 'bout that." Patrick said before stepping out of the gentleman's way.
     "Watch where you're going. . ." The guy said softly as Patrick ran off.

More tomorrow...

Love, Mackenzie

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