Friday, July 8, 2016


I've already written about what exactly happened to Josh yesterday afternoon in my journal, so I don't feel the need to write the whole thing here.

Instead, I've decided to vent my feelings a little, since nobody reads this thing anyway.

To be brief, I'm extremely stressed about the whole situation. Even though I know he's safe, he's with me and he's doing better than I expected, I'm still beyond stressed about everything. I was being driven insane by my children today and I wished I hadn't acted so nasty but I will admit that I wasn't then nicest person. I thought I was okay yesterday, but I'm realizing I'm not.

This type of thing hasn't ever really happened to me before and I think that I can't deal with another one of these situations.

But I did learn something important. I learned that my Father in Heaven is in fact looking out for me and I'm undeniably in love with my man.

Love, Mackenzie

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