Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Camp NaNoWriMo Approacheth!

I'm preparing for Camp NaNoWriMo yet again! It starts July 1st and I have to make a big decision. Do I work like crazy on draft 2 of my superhero novel, Acts of Day, or do I pants my figure skater romance novel (which I haven't named yet)....... UGH.

I hate making decisions like this! It's like picking which of my children I love more, which is impossible. Either one will take time and effort creating/perfecting and effort takes time. Which one do I want to spend my limited time with more, though???

I suppose if I worked on my superhero novel, that would give me ample time to work on thorougly planning my romance novel, and I could write that one for November's NaNo.


Decisions will have to be made. But I guess I can procrastinate until Thursday to decide......

Love, Mackenzie

P.S. I worked out yesterday. Gotta keep myself accountable.

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