Thursday, May 19, 2016


Yes, you read the title correctly. or maybe you didn't and misread it to say armageddon, but either way, it was antmageddon at my house on Tuesday.

We've had ant problems since we moved into our townhouse, and they weren't that bad last year so we set out some ant traps and were diligent with sweeping the floor so they wouldn't be attracted to the inside dining area.
We thought we were safe, but they had a plan to start a battle that lasted about four weeks before we decided to pull out the big guns.

Josh did some research and found a method that was safe for both man and beast (or toddler and toy poodle, but it's neither here nor there) which is to find the nest and to boil the ant hill. We actually unearthed the egg room underneath one of our concrete pavers just outside the back door and just boiled the hell out of it.
We thought we'd won the battle, but they were just getting started.

The next thing we knew, they were waging a full blown attack on our house. They were coming in from the bathroom, under the oven and under our couches by the hundreds, I guess there were over two thousand that I'd swept up through the day. Josh came home with insect killing soil and some hardcore indoor bug spray.

Then he went to work, pulling up pavers to try and find the other nest which was only a few blocks away from the first one. He boiled it like he did the first one and then put down the soil in the small grass patch. Then he pulled the furniture away from the walls and sprayed every inch of baseboard to keep them from coming inside.

Clearly, we weren't going to play games any longer.

Anyway, I kept a sharp eye out for any signs of ants in my house the following morning and I didn't see a single one all day. I guess the ant killing overkill did the trick.

Thanks for reading, and hopefully every one of those little monsters won't bother us again, because I'll show no mercy.

Love, Mackenzie

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