Friday, May 27, 2016

My Novel Has Consumed My Soul

All I Wanted has consumed me and it's so exciting! I had fallen out of love with this story for a while but all my adoration for the characters has come back to me and I couldn't be happier. I've written over 8k words in three days. Boo-FREAKING-ya.

I'm trying to write this thing on Google Docs and it's giving me some kickback, but I'm so infatuated with this novel that I'm willing to put up with it.
Maybe I'll post a part of it on here sometime. Who knows. ME. I WILL be posting part of this novel on here, but probably not until I have the actual story line well put together.
I did have a breakthrough tonight though. I'd been struggling for upwards of eight years to try and figure out how to end this bad boy and I figured it out. I finally had the ah-ha moment and it all clicked. BOO-FREAKING-YA.

Love, Mackenzie

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