Friday, May 20, 2016

Big Magic

So my Mom surprised me with a package in the mail which contained a 5 hour gem. It's an audiobook called Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. She's the author of Eat Pray Love.

I listened to the first disc and I'm so hooked. I love her information and I actually take her opinion seriously because she's a writer too. The simple fact that she was once where I am now makes me want to soak up her knowledge like a brand new sponge. In just the first disc, she's taught me that ideas are living things that are simply searching for a host who will do them the most justice. She's taught me to distinguish between the ideas which I should grab hold of and not let go until they've reached completion and the ones which I can apologize to for not being the correct person for the job. I'm loving the way she writes and I feel like an old friend already.

Thanks, Mom, for giving me this gift. I can tell it's going to be super valuable.

Love, Mackenzie

P.S. This is the 100th post on my blog! I've been writing on this thing for 100 straight days which is crazy! In honor of this occasion, I'm going to give myself a round of applause.

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