Friday, May 6, 2016


First off, I'd like to say that I'm SO excited for my mystery novel, even though I'm freaking out a little inside about it.

I've watched comedic detective shows for years and I've been trying really hard to reverse the process so I can plan my mystery novel effectively, but it's just not clicking! Luckily, my cousin's grandma writes murder mysteries so I asked for some tips to get this planning thing going. Hopefully it'll help.

I realized something funny earlier... I think I might be the person 'reading' my blog posts. I can't be certain that it's not me, so if someone is really out there, you don't need to make yourself known, I'd just like to know that I'm not getting excited over nothing. Keep yourself anonymous if you'd like, and I won't even publicly post your comment unless you're cool with it. Either way, I'll feel like a big dummy if I've been excited for the last few days over nothing.

Also, I think I'm going to work harder on planning my Gothic novel in preparation for July's Camp NaNoWriMo. I'm mostly certain that I'll be doing my mystery novel for November's challenge, and I want to make sure I have plenty of time to get that solid before I write it. But because it's out of my normal comfort zone, I know I'll put it off like crazy and it'll never get written.

I rediscovered the Finding Neverland score and it's delightful, as is the Angels and Demon's score and the Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium score.

And to top this post off, I'm going to share an enjoyable Good Mythical Morning episode. Watch it.

Love, Mackenzie

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