Sunday, May 1, 2016

Spiritual Thought Sunday

Anyone who follows my instagram account knows I quoted this a few days ago. But it really resonates with me since I am SO in love with my man, it's a little silly. Even though we don't show it outwardly all that much, I know he loves me back. 
I love this quote though simply because it reminds me what's waiting on the other side, after we're all dead and gone. I was married to Josh for time and all eternity in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple on June 18th, 2011. I can't think of another person I'd rather be spending the rest of forever with.
I'm not about to call him the perfect man (I'm not perfect either, far from it actually) but he's perfect for me. 
He's helped me with some deep seeded issues I've dealt with for years and I feel like I've gotten a much firmer grasp on them. He encourages me to be myself and he loves me for all my obsessions with writing and playing X-Box. We share a lot of the same interests, but he respects the things I hold dear to my heart.
Even though we get under each other's skin from time to time, we're generally happy with one another. Josh works hard to provide for our lifestyle while going to school part time. In all reality, (sappy alert) he's my superman.
Alright, I'm done with the sappiness now.
My prayer for anyone out there reading this post is to wait for that person who loves you for the real you, who pulls away the mask and accepts every beautiful part of you as well as every flaw. Wait for that person who you can grow with and have deep conversations with, someone who can talk about the tough stuff with you without you feeling judged or ridiculed.
The best piece of marriage advice I can give is to never forget that you and your spouse are on the same side. Its not a power struggle. It's not you vs them. It's you and them vs the issue at hand.

Happy Sunday ya'll!

Love, Mackenzie

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